Welcome to Rachel's Travel Guides!

Here to help you plan, prepare, and enjoy your travels to the fullest!

Hi! I’m Rachel! I am from Dallas, Texas living in London, England and moving to Sydney, Australia this year.

I love travel, fitness, and having a good time. As an experienced solo female traveler that loves a plan and knowing what to expect, I am sharing all the information I wish I had before going new places, moving abroad, and studying abroad. I hope my experiences help yours!

“You can’t be lost if you don’t know where you’re going” – me 😉

Traveling abroad

Complete guides, itineraries, packing lists, tips, advice and more for taking on new cities around the world.

Moving abroad

One of the scariest things I’ve done, but also the most rewarding! If I can do it, so can you!

Studying abroad

Visas, logistics, and budgets, oh my! Studying abroad can be a great way to test the international waters…

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